Saturday, November 21, 2015

To the Guys

Guys SOME girls just value the little things not the material things. Remember I said SOME! If she only wants gift after gift after gift then we know why she's with you... Anyway if your girlfriend just love getting morning texts, compliments out the blue & just putting your feelings out there! Then she's the girl that will be with yu for YOU not for your $$$. Some guys don't see that all girls are more then a piece of meat that they can just run through. Some girls might not respect there body but that doesn't give a guy the right to take that offer to help her disrespect it more! Get that girl who will hold you down! The one who you might put through h**** sometimes but she stayed! The one who can put time aside for YOU! Don't get a girl who just there for your package (if your old enough to understand what I really wanted to say!). The guys who only do girls the wrong way will get what they deserve sooner OR later! If you've ever been done wrong just understand that, that person get their's one day.

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